June 12, 2024

Throwback: Creating Meaningful Connections Through Snail Mail

Originally written for Duarte's blog in August 2020, this post reflects my passion for the charm and benefits of snail mail, making it always worth revisiting.

Last Tuesday, the metallic clink of my front porch mailbox closing snapped me out of an hours-long trance of staring at my computer answering emails, completing design tasks, and participating in video calls.

I took that as my cue to get up and stretch (It’s already 2:30 pm?!) and was overjoyed to find a letter from a friend who lives far away. The 20 minutes I spent walking to my mailbox, reading the letter, and penning a response rejuvenated me; making the rest of my afternoon much more productive and enjoyable than it would have been had I remained glued to my screen.

As the pandemic continues to keep us apart from our loved ones, colleagues, and clients, we are interacting via seemingly endless forms of technology 24/7. Despite this constant communication, many of us still feel a lack of human connection and are searching for the best way to keep those relationships strong from a distance without experiencing screen fatigue.

A More Personal Connection

What we are missing is a more personal connection that technology doesn’t always facilitate.

As a self-proclaimed avid “snail mailer” my solution to this is simple: add a little pen and paper to your communication routine. Not only does handwriting create meaningful connections with others, studies have shown that it boosts happinesseases stressaids brain cognition, and even improves idea composition.

According to Danielle Brooker in Forbes, these are “factors all adults could benefit from, particularly given increasing rates of burnout, stress and loneliness.”

Additionally, unlike most digital interactions, handwritten notes are often saved—pinned to a bulletin board, slipped behind a magnet on the fridge or even tucked in the frame of a mirror. The recipient may be reminded of you every time they look up from their desk or grab a snack from the kitchen.

3 Ways to Harness the Power of Letter Writing

1. Write a Note of Appreciation to a Helpful Colleague

If handwriting a full letter sounds daunting to you, postcards are a great alternative.

Postcards only have space for a few lines of text, and a short message is just as valuable! Finding a thoughtful note, no matter the length, tucked among someone’s usual bills and junk mail is almost always guaranteed to put a smile on their face.

My love for writing postcards to friends and family inspired me to start the Duarte Post program as another way for Duartians to connect. The front of each postcard features art created by a Duartian and the back includes a little bio about the artist along with space to write a short note to a colleague. We even created special edition designs for Employee Appreciation month as seen below.

Employee Appreciation Month special edition postcards from the Duarte Post program.

2. Mail a Thank You Note to a Client

If you don’t have the time to write your thank you by hand, Postable.com is a great service that prints, addresses, and mails a card for you. All you need to do is pick a design, type your note, and provide the mailing address. You may not have stepped away from your screen, but you took the time to write something thoughtful and your recipient will still receive a tangible card instead of just an email.

3. Include a Tangible Participant Kit as a Part of Your Virtual Workshop Offering

Many of Duarte’s virtual workshops come with a robust, physical kit mailed to every participant. This is more than just a way to connect with them; providing participants with a place to hand write their notes can also improve their comprehension and memory of the workshop learnings.

No matter how you go about it, writing a letter or sending something by way of snail mail is a great way to make a meaningful connection with your colleagues, clients, and loved ones. Not only will they appreciate your thoughtfulness, you’ll benefit from the time away from the constant volley of messages on your glowing screens.

All you need to get started is a pen, some paper, and a stamp!

P.S. Did you know that via the United States Postal Service (USPS), you can send a letter to any residential or business address in the nation for just 55 cents? And postcard stamps are even less expensive at 35 cents a pop. Totally worth it to connect with someone you care about.

P.P.S. A postscript, or “P.S.” for short, is a related note written at the end of a letter. Making this is a post-postscript! Happy snail mailing. 💌

June 3, 2024

Creating an Urban Community Feel in Suburbia

I've been scheming ways to meet and connect with my neighbors, and somehow recreate the community energy we loved so much in Jersey City, from the moment my husband and I moved in to our house in the suburbs in June 2020. Of course, this was incredibly challenging during that time of quarantine and social distancing. It took a while for me to take action in a more purposeful way outside of just a warm hello from across the street to neighbors walking their dog.

Fast forward to mid-winter 2022: In a moment of desperation I posted on a neighborhood Facebook group introducing my husband and I and expressing an interest in connecting with other locals and fellow urban transplants. I received an overwhelmingly positive response from dozens and dozens of neighbors of all ages and backgrounds who were also craving community and connection. It felt silly and vulnerable to put myself (and Harrison! Sorry honey, haha.) out there in such a personal way but it ended up being one of the best impulse decisions I've made.

I could tell you in detail about the myriad ways I've brought together neighbors from all over town, lured us out of our single-family dwellings and 6 foot privacy fence bubbles to gather and engage. However, our attention spans are short these days, and I'm more of a visual storyteller so the long paragraphs will end here.

Continue scrolling to check out the playful invitations that are weaving together a blossoming community.

Farley Coffee Club
Everyone has such busy schedules but there's almost always time for a morning cup of joe. We hosted an open kitchen for a couple hours, inviting neighbors to stop by on their morning walk, errands run, or daycare drop off and provided a variety of brews, bagels (from Babba's, of course), schmears, and homemade french toast casserole from my mom's recipe box.

Athena showing everyone the way to our humble abode.

Annual Block Party
We are so fortunate to have moved onto a street with warm and kind neighbors. Our neighbor across the street has been organizing an annual block party in August for years and I've loved supporting her since we joined the neighborhood.

Swap Meet
I've never attended a clothing swap meet before but I was inspired by spring cleaning and a rad plant swap hosted by Kanibal in Jersey City that I attended years ago. We had a great afternoon of good weather and mini fashion shows with everyone's new finds.

Semi-Regular Happy Hours
The first events I hosted after the desperate Facebook post. We had 30+ people at most of them! It was so amazing watching all of these strangers come together and get to know each other, all because I embarrassed myself online. Huge thank you to Stage House Tavern in downtown Scotch Plains for always extending their happy hour specials later in the evening just for our group.

"...she quite liked this, the jokes and the merriment, and the way that you could see actual friendships springing up around the room, like green shoots."

Jojo Moyes

PS: Paperless Post has been my go-to resource for sharing custom designed party invitations for ten years now. I've especially been loving the Flyer option for these larger community events.

March 19, 2024

Building Community Through Books

Sharing the books I've read and loved has become one of my favorite ways of connecting with people on a deeper level. There's something special about bonding over shared stories and characters. Plus, it's my small way of spreading the joy of reading and hopefully inspiring others to get lost in some great books, too.

In my quest to share my love of reading, I created a Bookshop.org shop where I recommend some of my favorite titles. Check out bookshelf favorites from the Desk of Danni. Bookshop.org isn't just another online bookstore; it's a platform that works to connect readers with independent booksellers all over the world. As someone who values the role of local bookstores as essential community hubs, I'm excited to play a small role in supporting their mission.

Why Bookshop.org? Well, for starters, every purchase made on the site financially supports independent bookstores. In an era dominated by large online retailers, independent bookstores often struggle to compete. Bookshop.org aims to change that narrative by giving these local gems the tools they need to thrive in the digital age. By providing financial support and helping them maintain their presence in local communities, Bookshop.org ensures that these vital cultural institutions continue to enrich our lives.

But it's not just about supporting local businesses; it's also about fostering a love of reading and preserving the magic of bookstores. There's something inherently special about browsing the shelves of a bookstore, discovering hidden gems, and chatting with knowledgeable staff. Bookshop.org seeks to recreate that experience online, offering a curated selection of books that rivals any brick-and-mortar store.

As a book lover, I appreciate the convenience of online shopping, but I also understand the importance of supporting independent businesses. With Bookshop.org, I can have the best of both worlds – access to a vast selection of titles while also knowing that my purchase is making a positive impact on local communities.

So, whether you're searching for your next literary escape or looking to support independent bookstores, I invite you to check out my Bookshop.org shop. Who knows? You might just discover your new favorite book while helping to keep the magic of independent bookstores alive. Please let me know if you do!

Be well and well-read... happy reading!

February 28, 2024

Garden Bounty Transformed: Herbal Cleansing Bundles and Collage

As the gardening season came to a close, I found myself with an abundance of herbs that I was determined to preserve before the first frost. In my ongoing effort to minimize waste, I’m exploring various ways to make the most of my resources. This led me to delve into the Indigenous practice of smudging, with the hope of creating smudge sticks to effectively use the surplus of sage, cedar, rosemary, lavender, and marigold I had.

Adopting a practice from outside of one's culture requires learning and honoring the historical, cultural, and spiritual significance of the tradition. I came to better understand how the practice of smudging is sacred to the Indigenous community as I read into it more. As a sign of respect I'm calling my creations Herbal Cleansing Bundles to avoid co-opting "smudge sticks," and in addition to spending time researching and understanding the origins and significance of this Indigenous practice, I put together informational cards to educate those I gifted them to.

I gifted the Herbal Cleansing Bundles to loved ones around the holidays, accompanied by the informational cards offering guidance on how to honor the ritual with reverence and intention. It was essential to me that each recipient understood the significance of this practice, rooted in Indigenous culture, and approached it with mindfulness and respect. Additionally, I paired each bundle with a matchbox featuring one of 50 unique mini collages I made specifically for inspiring creativity and intention setting.

Each collage was digitally created with the challenge of using only three visuals per design, none of which could depict people. These matchboxes are more than just useful tools; they're vessels for setting intentions, igniting sparks of hope and positivity with every match struck. My hope is that my loved ones will set an intention with each match they light, fostering mindfulness and reflection.

Through sustainable crafts and thoughtful research, I hope to inspire others to explore the wealth of possibilities that exist when we honor both the resources of the earth and the wisdom of ancient traditions, bringing creativity and mindfulness into every action of our daily lives.

February 22, 2024

Unsticking from Sticker Mule to Launch My Swag Drawer

In my book, Sticker Mule reigns supreme when it comes to custom printed swag. Whether it's transforming my art into stickers, crafting magnets to promote Dad's woodworking business, designing sticker sheets for SKO events, or creating custom tees with quirky photos of friends, Sticker Mule is always my trusty sidekick. Their quality and customer service are impeccable. They're continually introducing new products and services and offering flash sales. Recently, I discovered they're now offering TEMPORARY TATTOOS! I've ordered some to test and will be sharing the results soon.

Custom Stickers, Die Cut Stickers, Bumper Stickers - Sticker Mule

Unfortunately, Sticker Mule lacks dropship functionality. Therefore, to launch my Swag Drawer, I've migrated most of my swag printing business to Printful. Yes, you read that correctly—I've launched an online shop for all your artistic adornment needs! Keep an eye on the shop—I'll keep adding new designs and products, so feel free to reach out if you see something on my @also.danni IG that catches your eye.

I couldn't have launched this without paying homage to Sticker Mule first. Here's to hoping Printful lives up to Sticker Mule's quality standards!

P.S. I'll always be loyal to Sticker Mule and will continue to use their products for special orders.

February 14, 2024

From Save the Date to “I Do”

Crafting a Personalized Wedding Design Suite That Tells Your Story.

This Valentine's Day I found myself reminiscing about the love stories I've had the privilege to help tell through wedding design suites. From the first "save the date" to the heartfelt vows exchanged, all the way to the end of the reception at the bar, each moment holds its own magic. Crafting these suites is a deeply personal journey, and among my favorites, I can't help but include my own and my sister's. Through every detail - from typography to color scheme - a custom wedding design suite captures the unique essence of a couple's journey. Here's to celebrating love, laughter, and the joy of crafting memories that last a lifetime through personalized wedding design.

Danielle & Harrison Wedding Suite

Katie & Dhruvish Blended Ceremony Guide + Katie Mehndi Night

©️ Danielle Morris 2024